How to get more Amazon product reviews without Getting Your Amazon account Suspended

December 13, 2021   Amazon SEO

As part of the impact of the lockdown, the e-commerce industry witnessed an incredible surge in growth in the past year as customers shifted from shopping in-store to online. The e-commerce sector had witnessed a staggering 75% growth increase in countries like the United Kingdom as of February 2021. Consequently, the e-commerce industry has become one of the biggest financial movers, and Amazon leads the way herein.

Many manufacturers are now putting up their products on Amazon for improved sales, but product reviews are crucial to sales as with every other e-commerce platform. Amazon has quite some rules and restrictions when it comes to online product reviews. If you break these rules, you stand a high risk of damaging your Amazon account, that is, getting your product listing(s) temporarily suspended or permanently removed. Amazon favors organic product reviews over fake ones.

So how then can you get more organic and not fake customer product reviews without breaking your account? We would consider five effective ways, follow through.

1. Ask online shoppers for reviews. This method is the best way to avoid any restrictions or suspensions from Amazon. Here, you request from your existing and other potential online shoppers through e-mail marketing strategies to leave your product a review. You can do this in two ways: the Amazon Request a Review service or a personalized email template service.


The Amazon Request a Review is usually used to send an additional review request to your customers as Amazon automatically emails your customers asking for a review after their purchase. All you have to do is simply click the button, which can be found at the top right corner of each buyer's details page.


The personalized email template service method is for a more personalized review request mail. Software like eDesk Feedback and is highly recommended for effective personalized review requests to your customers. The advantage of the email template method is that you get to create a template that reflects your brand. You get to personalize your review request by inserting each customer's name, encouraging them to leave a review. The only advantage of the Amazon request review method is that you get to specifically target customers who are more likely to give you a good review. So, you do well to utilize both to your advantage.


In sending review requests, always take note of differences in time zones, consider your customers' needs, and be selective to get the best possible review.


2. Pay attention to your customer service. The message here; quality customers service makes the difference between a one-time shopper and a loyal one. Any question(s) posed to your customer service should be an opportunity to improve the “face” of your brand. You have to make sure that your customer service agents are very friendly and responsive to questions about how your product works and any questions at all.


The result is quite simple. If you have an excellent customer service system, your customers are more likely to leave positive reviews even without asking them. Also, they tend to refer others to your product(s). To build an effective customer service system, you could employ response templates provided by different e-commerce helpdesk software.


3. Use product inserts. Another effective way to get customers to give your Amazon products a review is through product inserts. How do you do use product inserts effectively on Amazon?


The very first practice is to remain neutral when requesting reviews. All you have to do is to avoid requesting five-star reviews; Amazon is against this. Secondly, try to give in-depth information about your product and company. Be friendly about your review request, and make sure you follow up on your customer experience – do well to leave an accessible contact mail and number(preferably).


4. Regular discounts and other unique product offers. How do you want shoppers to feel when leaving you a review, happy, right? Discounts and special product offers are very effective methods of achieving this. We are not saying that you should price your products too high or too low – of course, you have to put a balance.


Vouchers and discounts are very much a delight to shoppers. You could try a reasonable regular slash on prices and voucher offers to improve your review rate. Since you would not want to be asking for a review in return for a discount or voucher, you can simply provide discount codes as part of your regular product promotion strategy.


Introductory discounts also work a lot of positives when it comes to product reviews. If you are about to launch your product, consider a discount on launch available to your email subscribers. Then, after a purchase, you can send review requests. The chances are high that you’d get a lot of positive responses. Generally, discounts and vouchers are a great way to generate more positive reviews and attract new customers.


5. Compile an email contact list. In today’s e-commerce industry, both sellers messaging systems and third-party automated responders have become limited. Therefore, you will need to devise other effective ways of communicating with your customers.


You need to understand that as long as you do not have a personalized means of communicating with your customers, they are still Amazon’s. To get past this stumbling block, you need to build your brand off Amazon, and you can effectively do this by creating a personalized email list. You can either use the different email marketing software available today or create a blog that asks visitors to subscribe to a newsletter or any other campaign.


Recommended email marketing software for your business in the e-commerce space includes ActiveCampaign and Omnisend, and others alike. Once you have a mailing list, sending review requests becomes easy and more effective to track and analyze.



Getting genuine product reviews on Amazon is not as hard as it might seem. We have given you five primary effective methods to do this. All being said, always take note of the quality of your product and service as the effectiveness of every review request method hinges on this.