Free Internet Traffic – World’s largest collection of traffic secrets
Every blogger and website owner wants free internet traffic, right?
But the VAST majority of site owners I speak with are frustrated with trying to attract free website traffic…
… They’re tired of creating the best content, spending hours on link building but have nothing to show for it.
They’re on the verge of giving up their internet marketing efforts because of Google’s ever-changing rules to get organic traffic.
These same website owners try to rank first in Google – but don’t because millions of other websites show up ahead of their search result’s listing.
It’s true. Getting free web traffic is harder than ever.
But I have great news for you… this blog post is the world’s largest collection of FREE internet traffic secrets ever compiled.
The following tips, techniques and methods are surefire ways to get eyeballs to your blog or webpage. Just put these strategies into action and soon you’re going to show up first in Google – along with Yahoo! and Bing.
(By the way, If you’ve got a a free website promotion strategy that you’d like to share here, that’s great! If your traffic secret makes the cut, I’ll post it here with a link back to your website. Click here to post your traffic secret now…)
Let’s skip the fluff and get right to the stuff… attract buyers and subscribers to your blog or website with all of these FREE traffic secrets:
Marketing on CraigsList – How to attract free web traffic with tiny classified ads
My #1 best-kept secret to get 100% free blog traffic is to post a tiny classified ad to CraigsList.
It’s true… CraigsList is beyond amazing. I wished I posted there years ago.
With that said, most people I know tried CraigsList marketing and failed miserably… they posted an ad and got banned almost instantly. It’s true – CraigsList is REALLY cracking down on spammers. But that’s good news for us legitimate marketers.
Here’s why I love CraigsList (and think you should, too). I posted several 59-word classified ad posts and so far registered a whopping 3,207 visits to my blog over the course of just 60 days:
And that number continues to grow day after day without any additional effort on my end.
Now take a look at this – see how many different search queries Google, Yahoo! and Bing sends traffic to my Trump blog post:
That’s just the tip of the iceberg… CraigsList helped me get the following search queries ranked tops in the major search engines almost overnight:
These days, Google, Yahoo! and Bing sends me steady traffic to my not-so-flattering blog post about Donald Trump. That’s awesome because normally I’d half to invest a ton of time doing link building, blog commenting and message board posting. But with CraigsList, I literally invest about 15 minutes a day for 14 days. That’s it!
You see, CraigsList is one of the most popular sites on the Internet. Think of it as a gigantic classified ad service, but instead of it showing up in your Sunday paper, it’s available in just a click of your computer mouse over the Internet.
CraigsList is divided geographically into regions… you’re able to place your ads in CraigsList San Francisco to CraigsList Morocco. And when you post an ad in the right section of CraigsList, you get instant visits back to your blog or webpage.
But the best part is it’s totally FREE. Post ads all day long… weekends and holidays, too.
Here’s why I love CraigsList marketing and know you should, too:
You get instant traffic – When you format your CraigsList classified ad the right way, CraigsList approves your listing almost instantly.
It’s almost too good to be true because just moments after posting, you see FREE website traffic arrive on the webpage you choose.
And surprisingly, this traffic is responsive. Unlike other free traffic sources, CraigsList referrals take action… they’re willing to click on my webpage ads… passionate about subscribing to my email list… and they’re buying my stuff at a nice clip.
While instant traffic is good, I prefer:
Almost-instant traffic – The most fascinating aspect of CraigsList is who scans their classified ads.
Apparently, a lot of influential types (like bloggers and social media mavens) swing by for a looksy… because just a day or so after I post an ad, a bunch of different websites link to me. And when this kicks in, I’m seeing a lot of traffic come to my site from all different directions.
So while I dig instant traffic and almost-instant traffic, my absolute FAVORITE benefit of posting classified ads to CraigsList is:
Set-it-and-forget-it, long-term traffic – Out of all of the link building methods I’ve tested, nothing comes even comes close to link building with CraigsList.
I wish I knew about this method years ago.
Even though CraigsList ads only stay active 7 to 30 days (depending on the city), the link juice you earn never runs dry.
Long-term, steady traffic starts to kick in about 75 days after posting. Take a look:
About a week ago, I hit the low point of the curve… but in another week or so, I FULLY expect my referral traffic from Google, Yahoo! and Bing to jump. I’m expecting at least 750 visits a day to this Donald Trump page – every day.
Not bad for a few free posts to CraigsList, eh?
Here are some tips I use to make CraigsList marketing pay off:
Best time to post – When you post too soon, you ad “moves off the main page” and doesn’t get seen. And when you post too late, everyone is asleep.
I find the “sweet spot” is between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. local time. And skip posting on weekends or holidays – you’re likely to waste your time.
Get your ad approved – Years ago, CraigsList was a spammers paradise. You could upload blatant ads without worry.
Today, half the battle is getting your ads to “stick” (i.e. to be approved and not deleted).
The best way to get your ads to “stick” is to avoid any hint of selling. Instead, redirect your visitors to a blog post or webpage on your site.
Go naked – Even though CraigsList gives you the option to place ads in HTML code, I recommend plain text.
And never ever format a link with SEO anchor text (like this). This is a surefire way to get your post deleted every time.
Instead, use a naked link format like this:
Write a killer ad title – Make sure to include a your optimized keyword phrase in the title of your ad. Just about every major search engine takes notice and sends link juice to your webpage as your reward.
Bottom line: Posting tiny classified ads to CraigsList is a surefire way to put your traffic generation on autopilot…
… But it is tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why I created a step-by-step tutorial to help guide you and navigate you through the trickiest parts of posting classified ads to CraigsList (available for members of my private Marketing Junkies’ Club) –
Click here to access my CraigsList tutorial.
Keith Baxter of
First, let’s have a mind-shift…
There’s already enough content on the internet. Chances are, there’s not much new under the sun in your market, just people saying the same old things in different ways.
So this tip capitalizes on this and make YOU the superstar of your market.
Remember this term: Curation
Definition: is a process of identification and organization of artworks in order to further knowledge.
We will change this to suit our needs though…
NEW definition: is a process of identification and organization of CONTENT in order to further knowledge.
So here’s the tip:
Monitor the blogs, news, press releases for your niche.
Filter through the noise (mass content) and cherry pick the most relevant information.
Post that information to Facebook, Blogger, or WordPress.
Social bookmark each post as it’s posted.
Submit a press release or 10 about your site.
After 30 curated content posts, you will notice that traffic will ‘naturally’ find you.
Watch your analytic for the keyword searches and then generate more curated content based on the most popular searches.
… And if you want all kinds of tips to bring FREE internet traffic to your blog or website, just click on this link below:
Ryan Healy of
Last week, I tried an experiment.
Normally, I publish one or two or three blog posts a week. I hold back a lot of my ideas because I don’t want to email my list too much.
But last week I wrote and published a blog post whenever I felt like it. I didn’t hold back.
Now, I continued to email my list like normal — but no more than once a day. I picked the best post of the day and let them know about it.
I didn’t tell them about the other blog posts, but left it up to chance to see if they’d find them or not.
At least one person noticed. Stephen Dean said, “Ryan Healy was busting out blog posts this week like Lindsay Lohan on stimulants.”
While Stephen’s description made me laugh, the question is not, “How similar is Ryan Healy to Lindsay Lohan?” The question is, “Did more frequent blogging increase traffic to my blog?”
The answer is… yes. In fact, traffic to my blog increased quite a bit. Here’s a graph from Google Analytics:
Saturday is consistently my lowest traffic day every single week, so I have noted that above. Monday-Thursday are my highest traffic days.
Conclusion: More frequent blog posts generated more traffic to my blog even though I didn’t increase the frequency that I emailed my list.
You may find the same is true in your market. It’s something worth testing.
Explaining Alexa Traffic Spikes
While Alexa isn’t perfect, I do like to check Alexa to see how I rank against similar blogs. I also like to analyze the charts to see why I’ve gotten more or less traffic than normal.
Here’s a chart of my blog’s Alexa rankings compared to Terry Dean’s blog
As you can see, our sites have similar traffic levels. But I’ve had a couple recent traffic spikes that are explained on the chart.
Ray Edwards is a colleague of mine. He’s a freelance copywriter, as I am. And our blogs have similar traffic levels. But check out this Alexa chart:
As you can see, my Jeff Walker post and more frequent blogging both created noticeable traffic spikes.
But those spikes pale in comparison to an organized promotion where multiple friends and/or affiliates promote your product on the same day or within a narrow window of time.
Last week, Ray promoted his new book Writing Riches. I promoted Ray’s book, as did a number of other bloggers and marketers. This caused a massive spike in traffic to Ray’s blog.
3 Ways to Increase Traffic
If you’d like to increase traffic to your blog or web site, here are three proven ways to do it:
1. Be controversial.
2. Blog more frequently.
3. Get friends and affiliates to promote a product you sell.
As the charts above demonstrate, an organized promotion can generate far more traffic than either of the first two strategies.
This is because people are generally more motivated by money and obligation than the opportunity to share something new or controversial.
How correct keyword selection can bring massive targeted web traffic!
By Tim Buchalka
Would you be interested in understanding what keywords Google think are the most relevant keywords in regards to your Keyword Selection and figuring out how to apply this for even more targeted web traffic?
Would you like this list of results to be kept updated all the time? How about being able to access the information anytime you need it?
And in addition what about if I mentioned that you could retrieve all this info using nothing but your favorite browser and a standard Google search?
Interested? Read on…
Firstly lets take a step back and discuss relevance, as this term a very important part of Google’s results returned from your searches.
Google wants to provide the searcher with extremely accurate and relevant results that it can. Google are aware that if they fail to provide this info, it’s likely that searchers will stop using their services completely, and no users means no advertising revenues which is their main source of income!
For a prime example of a search engine dropping the ball, spare a thought for AltaVista? In its time it was the most popular search engine, and almost overnight (not quite) lost the crown to Google because they dropped the ball with relevance.
I don’t think there is such a thing as search engine loyalty (at least not for the average search engine user). If a better alternative arrives, the everyday user will just start using that service.
Trust me when I say Google are very conscious of this, and put a heap of resources into making sure that when you search for something, the results that come back are highly related to your the search term you used.
They have to keep the everyday searcher happy so that they come back to Google again and again.
Shrewd Internet Marketers have, of course found ways to “game” Google in previous years, so that their own sites show up instead of what should be the most relevant results, and such techniques are still used in modern times.
Mostly these techniques are located by Google who is getting smarter at finding these types of hacks.
Google seems to get it right a lot of the time, and certainly more than the other major search engines at this point in time.
Ok so given that Google is now returning the most relevant results and has the biggest user base when compared to any other search engine, and that its clear that their primary goal is info relevance to their users, does it not make sense to use Googles search results and be using this information more when conducting keyword research?
For example lets say your searching for the keyword phrase web traffic…
… When I entered that search term into google, I got a list of current pages that Google tell us are the most relevance to that search term (along with a host of ads).
But in additional to this information at the bottom of the page they also provide (and here is the key)…
Searches RELATED to: web traffic (Their words).
Hmm interesting a list of keywords that Google think are relevant to my search.
Google actually show you the keywords that they deem to be the most relevant to your search phrase.
If you do some research about this, there is lots of speculation on how Google decide on what words are displayed, but no matter what you think I believe it’s certainly worth looking at, isn’t it?
In my testing I found the keywords it came back with seemed to be terms heavily searched on.
In the case of web traffic, the search terms I got back were:
increase web traffic
free web traffic
buy web traffic
google web traffic
web traffic report
web traffic generator
web traffic monitoring
measure web traffic
They all seem pretty related to my original search.
And you can drill down by clicking on a phrase to get relevant keywords to that keyword. For example I could have clicked increase web traffic and obtained a list of related keywords that relate to that term.
This is getting interesting. Before you pass on this method compared to using your favorite keyword research program, It’s my suggestion consider the following.
1) The information from these searches are directly from Google’s Server, so the data has not been corrupted in any way.
Many keyword research tools do not use data from Google at all (Wordtracker) or combine data from multiple sources. Here we have information direct from the source!
2) The information that comes back from Google is of course very up to date, unlike a lot of other keyword research data that can be months out of date.
I am not suggesting that you get rid of all other keyword tools in favor of this technique, but I do recommend you check it out. With all the latest whiz bang all conquering, overly hyped software tools that seemingly gets released everyday, sometimes it pays to take a step back and go back to just using a very simple method like searching in Google!
In my case, I actually use this method in conjunction with other keyword tools, and get the best out of both worlds. My two favorite keyword research tools currently are Nichebot and Market Samurai (Google them).
I find the best use of this technique is when searching new niches, or when trying to establish the viability of entering a particular market.
One final thing to note is that unfortunately not all keywords are supported. Sometimes there are no related search terms are provided for a given keyword, but given that it’s free I’m happy to overlook that oversight.
And occasionally I have to mention that the search terms returned seem a little bizarre. But this seems to be in more unusual niches that perhaps Google have not collected enough information for (my speculation).
Get out there and have a look at the related search function in Google. The search terms returned might end up being very useful.
By the way: Interested in other keywords tutorials? Why not check out our Keyword Research article?