Tips, strategies and methods to be the world’s #1 affiliate marketer (inside)

Did you know one of the world’s most successful (and legitimate)
affiliate marketers resides in the UK?
It’s true. [@FinchSells] is a blog crafted by Martin Osborn.
It details his adventures and journeys as an affiliate marketer.
Electing to bypass college, Osborn darted straight to the internet to
become an online matchmaker between people with problems and
companies offering solutions. These solution providers give
affiliates a “bounty” in exchange for this match.
There’s only a tiny handful of blogs I read each morning.
And FinchSells tops my list (in addition to Ryan Healy’s and
Doberman Dan Gallapoo’s blog).
Martin Osbourn is the real deal. His advice seems
authentic to me (as similar blogs make
affiliate marketing seem insanely easy and
lucrative – it’s not).
And Osborn’s writing style is both
easy on the eyes and addictive.
I often hoped he’d blog more often.
Finch averages a post per week.
I keep a close eye on a handful of affiliate marketers
as they’re constantly pushing the envelope and
testing new ideas out.
Their industry is both highly competitive and
notoriously corrupt…
… Affiliate programs routinely fail to pay affiliates on time (or at all).
And affiliates jump from promoting one affiliate offering to
another without even a hint of loyalty. This toxic relationship
sure does make watching it from a distance entertaining
(and I’m being kind).
But the worst part about affiliate marketing is stability (or lack of it).
Most affiliate program offerings are VERY short-term
windows of opportunity. Within weeks (sometimes even days),
programs close their doors and affiliates must keep tabs on
what not to promote. Needless to say it’s far from the
set-it-and-forget-it business the industry wants us to think it is.
With that said, I find Finch Sells is one of the most legit’ and
reputable affiliate marketing blogs amongst a sea of insanity.
Osborn details both his successes (and most important to me)
his failures on his most-excellent blog.
Whether you’re an affiliate marketer or online marketing junkie
(like me), I HIGHLY suggest bookmarking Finch Sells as your favorite.
That’s why he’s one of my favorite online marketing sources.
If so, please click any of the social buttons below to help spread the news: